EVERYONE has a story to tell, and a unique voice with which to tell it. The trick is to uncover your own style in order to tell that story with a truth that connects with your audience in an original way.
The Rocky Mountain Masterclass for Songwriters is held during the Yellowstone Songwriter Festival in Cody, Wyoming. In this 2-day Workshop our instructors will work with a maximum of 20 students of all levels to help them clarify the aim of their writing and discover their own, unique voice.
This songwriting intensive workshop is a 7 hour, in-person masterclass with hit songwriter Susan Gibson, and critically acclaimed songwriter & producer, Jackson Emmer. This workshop is designed to “meet you where you’re at,” bring your songwriting to the next level, and hone your unique voice as a writer.
Thursday 9/5 – 1pm-4pm
Day 1: We’ll discuss the writing habits of successful songwriters. Explore the “songwriters toolbox,” and share tips for breaking through ruts and writer’s block. We’ll also practice co-writing.
After the main session, there will be time for 1 on 1 meetings or “Compassionate Critique” with Susan Gibson, Jackson Emmer, or James Dean Hicks. This is a great opportunity to get individual, friendly feedback on one of your songs from working songwriters.
Friday 9/6 – 9am-12pm
Day 2: We’ll do a few more group and individual writing exercises, geared towards breaking cliches and learning how to revise and edit songs. We’ll also discuss best practices for performing, booking, promotion, and a few tips to conquer stage fright.
After the main session, there will be time for 1 on 1 meetings or “Compassionate Critique” with Susan Gibson, Jackson Emmer, or James Dean Hicks. This is a great opportunity to get individual, friendly feedback on one of your songs from working songwriters.

Susan Gibson, Hit Songwriter, performer & instructor, songwriter of “Wide Open Spaces” recorded by the Chicks.

Jackson Emmer, Songwriter, producer & instructor. “Americana songwriters are a dime a dozen these days, but few are writing songs like Jackson Emmer.” Rolling Stone
Guest Appearances by hit songwriters performing at the festival.
Your tuition includes:
- Enrollment in Master Class
- 1 – All Access Pass to the Yellowstone Songwriter Festival
Class Schedule:
- All Classes at the Cody Club Room at the Cody Auditorium.
- Thursday 9/5, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
- Friday 9/6, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Limited to twenty songwriters
Tuition: $249.00
We have room block at the Carter Mountain Motel for participants of the Work Shop. Room rates are $145 + taxes for one queen bed or $165 + taxes for two queen beds. Please call Fran at 307-587-4295 to reserve your room.
Tuition assistance available. For more information call Mike at (406) 690-5988 or email at [email protected]