Legends and Headliners for the 5th Annual Yellowstone Songwriter Festival

    will be announced February 1, 2025

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    Listen to this years songwriters on the 4th Annual Yellowstone Songwriter Festival  Spotify Playlist


    Michael Martin Murphey, James Dean Hicks, Randy Montana & Billy Montana

    Kalyn Beasley, Susan Gibson, Anthony Garcia, Jillian Norberg, Chris Moyse, Jeff Plankenhorn, Carin Mari, Rachel Laven, Tessy Lou Williams, Marcedes Carroll, Jackson Emmer, Grace Morrison, Jee Jocoy, Mike Beck and Brooks Forsyth


    Brett Jones, James Dean Hicks, Lisa Carver, Frank Myers & Erin Enderlin

    Aaron Bibelhauser, Kalyn Beasley, Jessie Veeder, Marcedes Carroll, Carin Mari, Graham Bramblett,

    Jackson Emmer, Andy Sydow, Ryan Dart, Tom Catmull, Aaron Davis, Dana Cooper, Jeff Plankenhorn,

    Quenby Iandiorio, Ashly Holland,  Kayla Ray, Dan Weber.


    Gary Nicholson, (2022 Nashville Songwriter Hall of Fame Inductee), Leslie Satcher,

    James Dean Hicks, Stephanie Davis & Rob Crosby.

    Mandy Rowden, Sarah Sample, Hannah King, Hannah Belle, Andy Sydow Matt Strachan, Dave Munsick,

    Sean Devine,, Dallas Remington, Jackson Emmer, Jordan Smith, Brooks Forsyth, Kalyn Beasley & Alicia Stockman.


    Dave Gibson, Karen Staley, James Dean Hicks, Susan Gibson & Kostas.

    Tessy Lou Williams, Marcedes Carroll, Lacy Nelson, Bo DePena, Randy Lewis Brown,

    Jordan Smith, Brooks Forsyth, Tay Bronson, Kalyn Beasley, Dave Munsick & Sam Munsick.

    Click here is you’d like to be a paid songwriter at future festivals.

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